Friday, December 10, 2010

Modern Technologies

Do you think modern technology has made life easier and safer? Or do you think that modern technology has made life more difficult and more dangerous?

Technology today has made life easier and quicker, but dangerous. As we look at technologies, questions are risen. By the way what are technologies? Modern technology is machinery that makes life easier. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using stoves and making a big mess. And dishwashers put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it washes them. Dishwashers are very easy to use and save time comparing it in the old fashion way. Today modern technology also has created problems because they are dangerous.

How is technology dangerous? The answer to this question is very simple. There’s lots of incident where there is malfunction in technology. For example, if there is a problem with a car than the car won’t be able to run, or if there is a technical mistake in a train computer system than the train would probably dysfunction and this could lead to a crash. Many people dislike the production of technology. Technology also creates financial problems in families because most technologies are very expensive to buy like the computers, televisions, refrigerators.
Mostly the poor countries can't afford to have modern technologies. The regret of not having modern technologies. Such as, my country Bangladesh. Now we are trying to use more technologies to compete with other countries.

The Golden Ratio of Kaaba

Kaaba is the holy place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Every Muslim go to Kaaba to become pure Muslim, but no one knows the secret of Kaaba. Some scientists had find out the secret of Kaaba. The secret is a number. That number is 1.618 and every human being is made by this number. If we divide one part of our body by another that will give us the same number 1.618. If we divide our lips by our forehead that will give us 1.618. Even every little part of our body is the division of that number.
Another strange thing is our heart beats 1.618(beats/s). They also found out the great example of purity in Islam.
They researched and found out that if we divide the distance between Mecca and North Pole by the distance between Mecca and South Pole, which will give the same number (1.618).
That means: Mecca------>>>North Pole /(divide) Mecca------->>>South Pole=1.618.
The proportion of distance between Mecca and North Pole to the distance between Mecca and South Pole is exactly 1.618 which is the golden mean. Moreover, the proportion of the distance between South Pole and Mecca to the distance between both poles is again 1.618. That means Kaaba is the center of this world.
I saw this proofs in a video and that opened my eyes. I saw this video on "Youtube".
To watch this video in youtube, simply type-"The Secret of Kaaba". It's a 10 minutes video. It has proved the purity of Islam.